What is the value of increased automation in the Data Center and NOC?


There is great potential to automate anomaly detection, behavior based prediction of intent, automatic network discovery and service labeling using high performance data and graph analytics combined with AI (machine learning techniques like time series modeling and behavior clustering).
If services or systems to deliver this automation were available, how would it change your day to day operations, and at what scale would you find it useful? Local data center only, across cloud providers, multiple offices interconnected?

Cybersecurity Architecture
Anomaly Detection
Joe Eaton
67 months ago

2 answers


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Mike Rooney
10 days ago

المحافظة على توازن الحياة بين العمل والحياة الشخصية يساهم في تعزيز الثقة بالنفس هل الاكتئاب مرض والسعادة الشخصية. ينبغي إدارة الضغوط اليومية بفعالية وتحديد الأولويات لتحقيق التوازن الصحيح.

Salvador Solomon
4 days ago

Have some input?